Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Leaving The Nest

Oh glorious groceries...

Fully loaded car, ready for college!

Well... I wonder if you can tell whose side is whose... 

It's so hard for me to think that I have been in college for a month! It's strange that my apartment is starting to feel like home, but that I am still expecting to go home any minute! I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately- but I left my photographer back home in Idaho, so I'm in a transitional state right now with this blog! 

I've loved my time here so far, even though some days it has been so hard, I feel so blessed. Lately I've noticed the many mini miracles in my life, and have really begun to rely on the power of prayer. I've often struggled with prayer in my life (often forgetting), but in the past few weeks especially I've learned to rely on the great blessing and power of prayer. I know my Father hears. I know He cares. 

I hope to write more soon! 

xoxo, Cora Noelle 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

New Girl in Town

This hardly seems real. Time is passing so quickly and my life is changing so unbelievably fast that it seems impossible.

I've been at Utah State University for a week, and with that comes so many emotions! I miss my home and my dear family, but I love the memories and friendships that I am making here as well! 

Classes are going well, and I love the learning that I am doing here.

I'm also finding interacting with people here so interesting.  I came to Utah State alone, and the only people that I knew going to the University were my cousins, Didi and Kaylynn, and because we are all taking different classes I knew that I would rarely see them. The thought of knowing no one scared me and thrilled me. It is such an opportunity for me to grow and be exactly who I am. I love that.

Here,because I don't know anyone, it is an opportunity for me to restart. I can be whoever I want to be and do whatever I want to do. No one will remember those awkward years from middle school or horrible haircuts. I am excited to be new.

As I have been here I've met so many new people, and sometimes it has been hard. I've felt awkward, and I've felt alone, but the more people I meet and the more I get to know my roommates the more I am happy. I made the right decision. And though it sometimes won't be easy this is where I am supposed to be, and I am so excited!!

Outfit Details:
Earrings: Vintage, thrifted
Top: Vintage, thrifted
Skirt: Mika Rose, thrifted
Petticoat: Vintage
Tights: Vintage
Shoes: Thrifted

Thank you so much for sticking with me through my journey of life- I am excited to see where this next year takes me!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

All Dressed In White

Oh life has gotten busy lately! I've been back and forth between Utah (where I will be spending the next five years) and Idaho- Home. Sorting out college/ work/ housing- PHEW!

And even when I'm home it seems rather crazy here as well! I recently started working at the Historical Ballroom in Twin Falls and I absolutely adore it!

The ballroom itself is gorgeous built in the early 1900's and it's history is rich! It has been a ballroom, library, store, and much more before becoming what it is now- a wedding and event center. 

The building is beautiful and I love working weddings there! The intricate details of  the set up, including fancy napkin folding have me in love- and even the mopping and clean up after the weddings is fun. Every time I work I feel as if I could be in another time!

Oooh- also the building is supposedly haunted with a woman from the 1920's! I would just love to meet her, but for now I will simply have to be content with flashing lights and opening and closing doors. 

I also have recently had the opportunity to take one of my closest friends senior pictures. They turned out absolutely perfect, and maybe someday I will post some of those pictures  here. I love photography, and perhaps in college will work part time as a photographer when needed to capture events for college students. It would work perfectly for everyone! And inexpensive photographer with high quality results! 

Outfit Details:
Hat: Vintage borrowed from Mother
Suit Outfit: Aunt Nancy
Shoes: Fred Myers (??)
Purse: Vintage, Thrifted 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

What's Your Tale, Nightingale?

I am in love with this hat. I truly have an unhealthy obsession with vintage hats, and each time I get a new one it seems that I can't help but style it and want to wear it immediately. This cute number was no exception. Immediately I was in love! If the cute bird cage veil, and velvet bow weren't enough the matching hat pins did it!  Interestingly enough, this is also the first hat that I've styled more casually, and I love it. This hat and a ponytail seemed like a match made in heaven, and truly they are. 

 Lately life has been rushing by! 20 more days until I leave for college. WHAT?! That's right. 20 days. I am so nervous, yet so excited, and terrified! So many emotions! I can't wait for the memories that I will make and all that I will learn. I also can't wait to really find myself.

At Utah State the program that I'm taking is actually 5 years. (four years for my elementary educator for the Deaf degree and one for my masters in ASL which qualifies me to teach the Deaf and be a translator...) In these next five years I cannot wait for who I become.

Also I am so tired of hearing that I will be coming home by Thanksgiving break engaged. Sorry everyone, but no. I'm going to college for a degree not a ring. Someday I hope to fall in love, but I really firmly believe that marriage isn't for me. It's for the person I marry. When I marry someone I want to support them and love them unconditionally because that is how it should be. In order to do that I must know who I am, and that is why I won't immediately be engaged or be getting married. Thank you very much. (besides to be engaged someone has to like you and I'm not very lucky in that regard...) 

 Outfit Details:
Hat: Vintage gift 
Shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: Aunt Ingy 
Tights: Fred Meyers
Shoes: Payless 

"Maybe what is really challenging and hard for you right now... Will bless you- Strengthen you-Make you better and stronger." -Brother Hardman

Brother Hardman  was my institute teacher senior year (I couldn't fit seminary in my schedule) and he was so amazing. He truly touched and changed my life, and this quote has kept me going through so much! 

Monday, July 20, 2015

California: Holly Wood

Elvis Presley's Car  

I searched far and wide for Marilyn's star, and finally found it under a board where McDonald's war remodeling...  Needless to say, I wasn't happy 

As you can see in this picture, Marilyn's grave was pink though all the other marble graves were white. The reason- Marilyn is so well loved that over the years her adoring fans and their lipstick kisses have permanently stained the marble. 
And this-- A picture of how we left our 'mark' on Hollywood! Actually out tour bus got caught and we had to push her out!! 

Outfit Details:
Dress: Aunt Nancy
Earrings: Rue 21
Necklace: Gift from Momma
Oxfords: Rue 21