Saturday, September 5, 2015

New Girl in Town

This hardly seems real. Time is passing so quickly and my life is changing so unbelievably fast that it seems impossible.

I've been at Utah State University for a week, and with that comes so many emotions! I miss my home and my dear family, but I love the memories and friendships that I am making here as well! 

Classes are going well, and I love the learning that I am doing here.

I'm also finding interacting with people here so interesting.  I came to Utah State alone, and the only people that I knew going to the University were my cousins, Didi and Kaylynn, and because we are all taking different classes I knew that I would rarely see them. The thought of knowing no one scared me and thrilled me. It is such an opportunity for me to grow and be exactly who I am. I love that.

Here,because I don't know anyone, it is an opportunity for me to restart. I can be whoever I want to be and do whatever I want to do. No one will remember those awkward years from middle school or horrible haircuts. I am excited to be new.

As I have been here I've met so many new people, and sometimes it has been hard. I've felt awkward, and I've felt alone, but the more people I meet and the more I get to know my roommates the more I am happy. I made the right decision. And though it sometimes won't be easy this is where I am supposed to be, and I am so excited!!

Outfit Details:
Earrings: Vintage, thrifted
Top: Vintage, thrifted
Skirt: Mika Rose, thrifted
Petticoat: Vintage
Tights: Vintage
Shoes: Thrifted

Thank you so much for sticking with me through my journey of life- I am excited to see where this next year takes me!

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