Monday, July 22, 2019

Teacher's Pet

 So many emotions right now. I feel so overwhelmed and blessed.

I just completed my final year as a student at Utah State University. The past few months have been hard, stressful, and overwhelming. Most days I spend 12 hours on campus- class,  work, literacy clinic, night class- then would come home to continue with readings and homework creating an endless cycle of sleep deprived days and homework filled nights. Each assignment, paper, and reading has brought me closer to this day.

I've now graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education with a specialized emphasis in Deaf and Blind education. I graduated debt free and with a job lined up and I am so proud of myself and thankful for my time at Utah State. I would not be where I am today without the love and support of my family and friends.

This fall I will be teaching in a 3rd Grade classroom and I am so excited to share my progress, my excitement, and even my failures here.

I feel that over the past few years, especially with the introduction and rising popularity of Instagram, that blogging has fallen to the wayside. Who wants to read a long, drawn out post when two or three sentences attached to endless photographs or stories tend to do the trick. Many blogs, like mine, seem to have abruptly ended their writers moving on with their lives leaving behind their words and photographs like memories in a ghost town. It's almost sad the way that you grow to think you know someone and have it suddenly disappear without knowing the rest of their story But here I am, excited to share the ramblings that tend to fall solely in my journal. 
Future teachers of America

Right now my my focus is setting up my classroom and preparing for the school year. I had two amazing third grade teachers retire leaving me with all of their classroom materials, and in that regard I am so blessed. I have so many math manipulatives and adding their book collections to my own brought me so much joy.  I also had so much that I had to go through and determine if it is something worth keeping and taking up space. These pictures perfectly capture the transition or bringing in new things of my own and going through the old. 

There are some parts of my classroom that I absolutely love-- a wall of windows, pink doors, sink and drinking fountain in the room-- and parts that I could do without-- chalky pink/ grey carpet walls, the inability to have more than 50% of said walls covered, and the fact that my computer has to be set up in the back of the classroom... but I am excited to see this room transform into a space that I love and my students can learn and grow in. 


Cora Noelle 

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