Wednesday, May 25, 2016


It has rained every day since I've been at the lake (as a matter of fact it started raining while these were being taken), but it's been a while since I have had this much sunshine in my life. Bear lake is my safe haven, each time I'm here I feel so at peace. I am able to reflect on who I am and where I am going and marvel at the beauty all around me. This place brings me so much joy. 

This is were I'm supposed to be, and I'm ready for what this summer holds. 

I've realized lately that everyone is dealing with their own personal struggles, and what may not seem hard at all for me can be someone else's greatest struggle. We all suffer from disappointments, broken hearts, physical and mental illnesses, and moments of hurt and confusion. We are all carrying our own personal burdens, yet so often we tear each other down. In the midst of our clouds of doubt we forget to lend hands of compassion. When we forget to see the sunshine we often forget that we can be the sunshine in another's life. 

I want to bring the sunshine with me. I want to be a source of happiness to others by knowing myself and loving who I am and the woman I am becoming. I want to help others on their journey as they help me on mine. Life isn't meant to be walked alone, we're all just walking each other home. So let's be a little kinder, a little more understanding, and a little more loving. 

Outfit Details: 
Headscarf: Vintage 
Top: Forever 21 (from cousin Didi)
Dress: Ross
Shoes: Hand me down from a friend 

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