Sunday, October 5, 2014

Teacher Dear

Lately I've been loving the 1940's school girl look, and I feel that this almost ties right in. The plaid skirt and blouse with the peter pan collar instantly made me think of what a school teacher would have worn in the past. 

Here is something that has been on my mind a lot recently.... the beauty and immense power of words. How can something with such a great ability to build up and strengthen also tear someone down and hurt them so badly. It is so strange. What someone says almost instantly has the ability to change everything. 

Lately a really close friend of mine has said some really cruel and hurtful things. I know it's not the first time that I've talked about it on here, because I want my blog to we how I am really feeling, and how I am working out those feelings. It hurt. Knowing that someone that I trusted could say those awful things about me, and even worse, thought those things about me just hurt. I didn't know what to do. She said things that I know aren't true, and aren't me, but they still made me doubt myself. My self confidence and happiness really took a toll with some of the things that were said. 

She told me that she was telling me those cruel things because she wanted me to be a better friend, and wanted our friendship to be able to last, yet when she sees me at school she ignores me or just walks away. Obviously those things weren't said so that I would 'get better' they were just said out of anger to hurt me. I've tried to be kind and forgiving, but some of those words just stick to my mind. 'Gossip' 'Liar' 'Snob' the list goes on and on and on. 

I cannot let words like that get to me when I know that they aren't true, but it is still hard. It's hard to trust knowing that more  harsh words like that could happen any moment. Have any of you gone through anything like this? How did you forgive and get over it?? 

I love this book pin, and if you have any ideas of what to put in it let me know! 

Outfit Details: 
Shirt: Vintage
Jacket: Aunt Jenner
Pin: Charm from Hobby Lobby
Ring: $1 at Claires on sale! 
Skirt: T.J. Maxx (??)
Tights: ?
Shoes: Aunt Jenner

Also, if you want to be lifted up Elder Holland's talk yesterday about the poor and poor in heart was soooo good!! 


  1. I truly know how you feel.
    It happened to me a lot, because I was dressed differently than the others.
    Everyone knew me and everyone talked about me.
    Some people didn't want to seen with me (there was even one guy who had the guts to tell me he felt ashamed to be seen with me).
    It can break your heart to hear that.

    You should tell your friend how you feel and hopefully she understands and changes her behaviour. If not than maybe you should end this fake friendship.

    I love your outfit truly vintage <3
    Don't have other words for this... :)

    1. Thank you Monique. It's nice to know that someone understands and has felt the same way. Good idea. I will just have to tell her that she hurt me. Some people! Being mean has no excuse! Ugh!
